Soft-landing Program: smoothing your arrival at the new destination

Soft-landing Program: smoothing your arrival at the new destination

This program is aimed to serve the client from planning the move to adapting to the new culture, providing a welcoming and smooth transition. Soft-landing encompasses Intercultural Training solutions and Mentoring Program from planning, arrival and post-arrival. It is also customized to the client's needs and the content to be shared.

In this package, the client and his family begin to receive assistance through cultural training at the place of departure before the move so that a personalized program can be designed to meet the specific needs of each family member in their transition to the new destination.

Upon arriving at their destination, the client and their family members will continue to receive cultural training following their local needs, having the opportunity to live and understand the local culture and its meanings to harmonize them with their culture of origin.

Without losing sight of the human being, the entire program focus on the individual and his/her diversity, by offering tools that allow them to independently and safely embrace such a unique opportunity of living in a country that is not their own.

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