Intercultural Mentoring

Intercultural Mentoring

Human perspective is the cornerstone of this intercultural mentoring program. It aims the client's needs and provides the necessary tools for individuals to adapt to a new culture, for both permanent and temporary relocation. Based on this understanding, newcomers are equipped with tailored solutions to face the challenges of living in a foreign country.

What happens to most people who take on the opportunity of moving is that they look up information in articles and testimonials of other people who have already gone through the same process of getting ready for what is to come.

However, the path may even be a bed of roses, but those magazine articles forget to remind the reader that every rosebush has thorns. The experience of living in a country other than your own will give you the knowledge no school in the world can do. No doubt it is a journey of much learning and opportunities if you are prepared!

Our mentoring program is designed to be side by side with the one who decides to live this experience, considering who you are, where you come from, and what your needs are. That is the starting point for you to get a mentoring program customized to your specific needs and encompassing all the necessary information and tools for you to autonomously enjoy the best of this unique opportunity.

Mentoring can be offered in three languages - English, Portuguese, and Spanish – and done online or in person.

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