23November, 2022

Your company is prepared for the process of Expatriation of your collaborators?

Your company is prepared for the process of Expatriation of your collaborators?

Much is said about globalization, global markets, etc. When it comes to the assignment of their employees, when companies are concerned about cultural training, they invest in training for the employee who is moving to another country and completely disregard the team of local employees who will receive the foreigner. And this mistake can be costly to the organization.

When cultural differences clash, they can compromise the organization's results. That is, what should improve the results and productivity of its employees ends up hurting the performance of projects, thus preventing the company from reaching its intended goals.

Cultures determine behaviors, ways of thinking, and ways of working. Disregarding these differences in the work environment may generate losses instead of positive organizational results. Worse, it may prevent these companies from retaining their talents, thus causing double losses.

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