29December, 2022

You are moving to another country, so how are you preparing?

You are moving to another country, so how are you preparing?

Often when we move countries or are preparing for an international move, we have no idea what the language barrier means. Those who are not fluent in the language may think they will have difficulty communicating because they don't have much knowledge about grammar or fluency. Those who are already fluent in the language may believe that they will not face significant problems because they are already fluent in the language of the country they are going to live in, so what can go wrong?

If you speak the language, communicating, in general, is not a severe difficulty. In my specific case, English is still a great challenge, even after six years of living in the United States. The problem lies in understanding the exact meaning of what is being said to you, that is, understanding the subliminal message, between the lines.

In many cases, it means learning to interpret the silence, the pause, the gestures, the way sentences are put, body language, etc. All that aspects are steeped in culture since it is the culture that dictates etiquette, expectations, behaviors, beliefs, and so on.

When planning to move to another country, be prepared! When packing your suitcases, pack personal clothes and accessories and a suitcase dedicated to knowledge: the more knowledge, the less embarrassment and chances of misunderstanding. Language classes are essential, but they must be with teachers who know the culture of the country you want or will live in. This differential is crucial for the experience's success, especially regarding professional issues.

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