19October, 2022

Yea! Your children can become citizens of the world.

Yea! Your children can become citizens of the world.

Who doesn't remember a teacher who marked their life and somehow contributed to form the human being you are today? Likewise, we all identify with a family member who marked our lives and decisively influenced our way of being. When we realize that we influence and are influenced all the time, we understand better how and why we are who we are.

Our ancestors affect us directly, from the moment we are born, and determine how we will be raised, which, in turn, will influence our perception of the world. When we move to another country, we take our culture with us, and when we arrive abroad, we will be influenced by the culture there. In this context, what will be determinant for the success of this rich experience is to have our minds and hearts open to the new because only then will we be able to learn new concepts and ways of living.

If children accompany the move, the experience can be even more prosperous. Through this change, it will be possible to help the children develop the ability to speak two or more languages without significant difficulties. Furthermore, it is an excellent opportunity to understand and evaluate concepts, values, and behaviors. In this evaluation process, you can keep those you consider essential in your own culture and assimilate new ones, thus broadening the worldview of all those involved in this process, especially the children, preparing them to be world citizens.

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