08February, 2023

When teenagers more abroad.

When teenagers more abroad.

It is during pre-adolescence and adolescence that many changes occur in these young people's lives, whether physical or psychological, not to mention, of course, the hormonal changes. During these phases, identity plays a significant role, and social interactions are part of this process. However, these adolescents' social contexts can change drastically when moving to another country.

As adolescents form their identities, they will be confronted with choices inherent to this stage of development, particularly in their social interactions. Moving to another country can be difficult if the young person does not have a structured support network at home because, depending on the culture to which they have moved or will move, their behaviors, habits, values, and so on may differ and do not fit their preconceived models of social interactions.

Knowing the culture of the country to which you are moving and understanding its rules and meanings can make the difference in a successful adaptation process for the whole family because no parent will be happy in a different country if their children are not integrated and comfortable there.

I recommend reading the article "ALL OVER THE AMERICAS", which was written by a 15-year-old teenager and illustrated well what I am talking about here.

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