10November, 2022

To live abroad, you need to see new perspectives.

To live abroad, you need to see new perspectives.

Throughout our lives, we re-signify many things, even though we are not always aware of them. But do a little exercise, a reflection about your past. You will realize that in the face of some adversity experienced; it was necessary to find another meaning to move on. An example of a resignification process is the rupture of a relationship that may require one of the parties or both parties to resign to find a new meaning to move on.

Those who decide to live in a different country will undoubtedly use resignification to adapt to the new reality. By re-signifying, the person changes the lenses, and the focus on life, freeing themselves in a way from old concepts and old perceptions. And in this process of giving new meanings to old ideas, events, and perceptions, the doors to understanding open, thus facilitating adaptation to the new country's culture. This process can be rich and full of possibilities, providing the traveler with an amplification of his worldview and making him stronger.

Looking at the glass half full is always better than getting attached to the negative aspects. Human beings, by nature, are already prone to the negative; however, getting out of the bubble, thinking outside the box, and re-signifying are essential tools for living well and moving towards the success of the international experience, be it personal or professional.

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