17June, 2022

The Repatriation Experience. Employees back home.

The Repatriation Experience. Employees back home.

• What is being repatriated?

It is when a person is sent back to his country of origin after having finished his activities abroad for a time determined by the company.

• Will be repatriated?

Companies need to have a well-defined repatriation plan. In other words, the company must be prepared to receive the repatriated employees with their career plans and in which position they will work when they return to the country.

Some companies do not have a well-defined repatriation policy, which makes the employee feel insecure and unmotivated, negatively impacting the company as it may not retain the talent.

The company must also take care of the employee's family during the repatriation process through cultural training to help in the readaptation process of everyone.

The assistance is fundamental because of the changes experienced by all the family members during the expatriation period. This experience provides new references, such as a new way of living and different ways of analyzing and perceiving the world.

It is a process that also demands emotional support, especially when this process involves children, who once again will have to leave their friendships and school. Beyond this, they need to rebuild all the bonds again.

• A repatriation is also cause for celebration!

The expatriate, in your repatriation, is taking on a different challenge. Still, they carry with them all the experiences of this incredible journey, such as, for example, the new relationships with their coworkers, the new knowledge acquired, the new culture that they had the opportunity to be part of, in addition to all the learning that this experience offers.

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