07May, 2022

The importance of the Open Mind to live abroad.

The importance of the Open Mind to live abroad.

When someone decides to take the big step of living abroad, they should ask themselves: "Am I open-minded enough to live new experiences in another country?"

The answer to this question is essential since this will be, in good part, responsible for your success or not in this endeavor.

Many people leave their countries with the idea that they want to change their lives. They want to live in a better country with a better quality of life, aiming to leave behind everything they think does not work well in their country. In this scenario, these people create an ideal model of the country in their heads, besides making expectations that, in many cases, do not come true. In this perfect world, the person believes that in the other country, they will have everything good that they have in their country of origin plus everything better than they have in the other country. However, this "perfect" reality only exists in the mind of the person who imagined it because the truth is often very different.

You will not bring your own culture, rules, the network of friends, family, etc., to the new country. And at this point, having an open mind is one of the keys to successfully adapting to the new culture. People who are open to the new besides adapting more efficiently can take advantage of the chances of learning something new, broadening their world vision, making the most of every opportunity, and most importantly, without ceasing to be who they are.

For those going to face this challenge of living abroad, the best tip is: Get prepared!

Take care of this preparation, which should happen from the inside out, not limited only to the acquisition of a new language and practical things such as: knowing the climate of the region where you will live, types of clothes, etc. This preparation must go further; knowing the customs and meanings of your new place of residence, whether it is temporary or permanent, will make the difference in the success of the adaptation process.

Allow yourself!

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