02November, 2022

Precious tips for those who are or intend to live abroad.

Precious tips for those who are or intend to live abroad.

Many people think that moving to another country is an easy task, but it is not. After passing the enchantment phase, where everything is new, and the first difficulties begin to appear, what seems to be a paradise can become an absolute hell. Get to know some important tips to overcome the main difficulties of those who live abroad.

• Open your mind and heart to live new experiences:

When you decide to move to another country, you need to embrace this opportunity and proceed to make it work. Therefore, it is necessary to be present with body and soul in the new life, willing to learn new things, accept the differences, and move on.

• Don't be isolated!

It is common for people who move to another country to become isolated within their country of origin communities, which is still a comfort zone because they are people with the same culture and speaking the same language. However, one of the most important things about the international experience is getting to know the new, broadening your horizons, and expanding your cultural baggage. So there is nothing more helpful than getting involved in local community activities, be it in your neighborhood, church, etc.

• Don't let homesickness paralyze you:

Homesickness about family and friends is a decisive factor for many people who give up the opportunity to live abroad. Logically, when you move to another country, the contact with family and friends who stayed in your home country is not the same. Although nothing can replace eye-to-eye communication, social networks and the various forms of conversation significantly reduce the distances and ease the homesickness of those we love. Use and abuse these resources.

• Avoid comparisons:

Many people who move to another country instead of learning new things insist on spending their lives comparing the country where they live and their country of origin. This attitude only brings frustration. Please focus on the present, on what you live now, and work to make it all work out. Why did you change if your country had only beautiful things and was the perfect world? Everywhere in the world, there are always good and bad things. It's your choice. Try to identify the positive points of the place you live and avoid living with what you think is negative.

• Make new friends:

It is not always easy to make friends with foreigners, which will depend greatly on the country you live in, and of course, it depends on your country's culture too. However, everywhere in the world, there are good people with good hearts. Your mission is to find these people, and I'll tell you a secret: many good people are spread worldwide.

• Create an identity with the place:

Start doing things you like, and look for an activity that gives you pleasure. A good tip is to take a course or enroll in some sport. If you leave a tropical country to live in a place with a harsh winter, how about learning some ice sports?

The world is full of exciting possibilities. Find them!

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