16September, 2022

Overcome the difficulties of living abroad: expatriate executives and their families.

Overcome the difficulties of living abroad: expatriate executives and their families.

• What are the biggest challenges for an expatriate?

- Short expatriation period: A short expatriation can lead to difficulties in generating good results, precisely because of the adaptation challenges. Building a new life, adjusting the family to the new environment and learning a new language are actions that require time and patience. In addition to the expatriate, usually his family will also come and this adaptation will be even more complex and may involve schools for kids, choice of safe and suitable place for housing, among other points.

- Return to the place of origin: The period of leave can cause some difficulties for the employee in his/her position and place of origin. After all, the distance between himself from his network in some cases, may have the position occupied, which causes some discomfort.

- Adapting to the new culture: the expatriation process is very important in the executive's career, but it has great impacts on personal life. After all, children need to adapt to the new school and language, they need to be available to make new friends, and the spouse may also need to regularize their own professional situation. This means checking the work visa, diplomas and other necessary documents. Adaptation in a new country adds to all professional challenges and the cultural shock has a major impact on the productivity and creativity of experienced executives.

• How to overcome these challenges?

These challenges can be mitigated with the help of a relocation professional. It aims to make the transition more smooth by providing solutions ranging from cultural training to facilitation in document issuance processes. It is the relocation professional who presents options of schools, houses, clubs, among others.

A well-conducted expatriation process begins in the employee's country of origin. This is where the relocation professional needs to conduct interviews with the expatriate and his family to understand the needs and expectations of everyone.

From the information collected, it will provide appropriate solutions. This educational planning within the companies, combined with intercultural training, helps to establish bridges between the different branches.

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