22September, 2022

Moving abroad with your children. What do you need to know?

Moving abroad with your children. What do you need to know?

The formation of our identity is composed of several factors: genetic factors, which are born with us and determine to a large extent the characteristics of our personality, and socio-cultural factors, as we interact with our peers. The environment and our experiences forge who we are, and knowing this can be a differentiator when we decide to change parents, especially if we are going to make this change with our family members.

Being aware of this reality when moving countries with children is necessary because the environment will shape their identity. It is up to the parents to help them in this building process because these experiences will define the future adult.

To make it more straightforward, let's give an example. Cultures are different when it comes to the predominance of collectivism or individualism. Individualistic cultures prioritize personal goals, and the people's identities in these cultures tend to prioritize their personal attributes. In contrast, collectivist cultures prioritize collective, group goals over individual ones. In these cultures, the identity of its members tends to be more cooperative and less individualistic.

So, if you are moving from a collectivist to an individualist culture, how will you manage your children's education?

This question may seem out of context, but it is not. Many children and teenagers who have changed from a collectivist to an individualist culture, and vice-versa behave not in line with the parent's expectations, including regarding family relationships. Why does this happen? Are you aware of the importance of these aspects in educating your young children?

When we say that we are shaped by experiences, by the environment, we can't forget that the family, its values, and beliefs are part of the formation of the identity of this child and adolescent. Paying attention to these details can be decisive in the education of your children so that it occurs according to what parents understand to be the best for them because when this doesn't happen, the environment outside the family may prevail over family values.

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