25February, 2021

Mini-course: Living abroad.

Mini-course: Living abroad.

Living abroad is a dream of many families, a dream that has come true for many. It is, however, an experience surrounded by challenges.

Often, the professional taking over the reassigned job arrives in that foreign country with a secured career and feels quite familiar with the company where he/she will work. On the contrary, her/his family members, i.e., spouse and children, are about to jump in a new stage of their lives, start from scratch and deal with the unknown. Everything is so unique!

At first, curiosity and newness touch everyone. Typically, the family arrives in the new country with a tourist look, wondering this fresh lifetime will be pure fun. Nevertheless, not everything is a bed of roses. When reality knocks at the door, everyone must prep to tackle the hardships of that journey.

Having this diagnosis of reality in mind, we have tailored a training course made up with adequate tools to facilitate adapting to a brand-new culture, thereby harmonizing the elements of our clients’ origin culture with the American culture.

If you are going through a transition process, either alone or with your family, this course is for you.

Contact us and enjoy this journey assertively and relying on professional support.

Whatsapp: +1 724-814-7878

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