26October, 2022

It's time for your crossing: live abroad.

It's time for your crossing: live abroad.

"There is a time when we must abandon our worn clothes, which already have the shape of our bodies, and forget the paths that always lead us to the same places. It is the time of the crossing: and if we do not dare to do it, we will have remained, forever, on the margins of ourselves."

By Fernando Pessoa.


As Fernando Pessoa teaches us, the time has come to leave our clothes behind, to forget paths that always lead us to the same places so that we don't run the risk of living on the margins of ourselves. Many teachings in so few words.

The changing country is a crossing in all senses because we pick up the anchor that keeps us tied to our safe port, and we launch ourselves into the sea of uncertainties towards another country, another language, another culture, another job, new relationships, and so on. And we put out to sea on this voyage of uncertainty, not because our country no longer serves us, our relationships no longer fulfill us, or anything else.

We set out on this voyage in search of new, new horizons, new nourishment for our soul, expansion of our worldview, professional improvement, new opportunities, etc. Many people who embrace the opportunity to live abroad know they will encounter the unknown, the unexpected. Still, they decided to take this risk instead of staying in their comfort zone because they didn't want to risk staying at the margins of themselves. They preferred to brave the unknown so as not to spend the rest of their lives wondering how it would have been if they had had the courage and gone to another country.

This search of human beings for certainties can paralyze and make us lose unique opportunities to grow, learn new things, to expand our world view. Between going and staying, the choice is always yours.

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