26January, 2023

Is multicultural competence essential to living abroad?

Is multicultural competence essential to living abroad?

If we look for definitions for the word "Culture", we can find hundreds of them in many different areas of knowledge. For anthropology, for example, culture is understood as a complex system of knowledge, beliefs, values, arts, and customs, among many other things, that encompass several habits and behaviors within a given society.

It is through the culture that our ancestors passed on to us knowledge that builds our belief and value system throughout time, creating our identity with our family or social group, thus making the history of each of us and our society.

The cultural process of a country is not something static. On the contrary, it is a dynamic process constantly changing, just as the human being in its development process is also in an eternal movement of change as time goes by and as we evolve. It is precise because of culture's specificities, in addition to the individual differences of each human being, that each country has its own culture.

Contact with other cultures transforms us and simultaneously transforms cultures through our interactions. It is a dynamic relationship that can be very rich in opportunities if you are ready to take advantage of all the potential the multicultural encounter can offer.

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