21December, 2022

How to choose a school for your child abroad?

How to choose a school for your child abroad?

In the United States, if your child is going to study in public school, the school they will attend will depend on your address since much of the taxes you pay as a function of your residence go to the local educational system. However, if your child goes to a private school, the choice is yours, regardless of your residence address.

Of course, the better the school in the area, the higher the tax you pay, so it is crucial to have this information to compare not only the schools but also the amount of tax and to know if this amount fits in your pocket.

In the United States, a ranking of schools is made annually, and this information is available for public access. So, if you are coming to the United States and intend to enroll your child in a public school, do good research before choosing your residence because your home choice will determine the school your child will study in. You can do this research on local government websites.

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