14November, 2022

How to be a good communicator in a different culture?

How to be a good communicator in a different culture?

The scale created by Erin Meyer that classifies cultures with low or high context can help you to identify if you are a good communicator in a different country. Depending on your country's position on this scale and the position of the country with which you need to communicate, your knowledge of the cultural differences will determine whether or not you are a good communicator.

Suppose you belong to a high-context culture and usually talk between the lines without going straight to the point when you communicate with someone from a low-context culture who says what they want clearly. In that case, you may be interpreted as someone who doesn't inspire confidence, and this misinterpretation is all you don't need when you are living abroad.

And the opposite can also happen and, in the same way, lead to misunderstandings, i.e., if you belong to a low-context culture, you may understand communication from someone who belongs to a high-context culture as someone who is not transparent or as someone unable to communicate effectively.

When living abroad, it is essential to be clear that being considered a good communicator in your home culture does not mean being successful at communicating in a different culture because what works well at home country may not work abroad. Being prepared and understanding the country's cultural context is fundamental to this experience's success.

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