09September, 2022

How intercultural mentoring or training can help you prepare to live in another country.

How intercultural mentoring or training can help you prepare to live in another country.

If you are still wondering how important it is to know the culture of the country where you will live, you should read this text to the end. While planning the move abroad, it is essential that the person knows the values and beliefs that guide his behavior, and more, what are the cultural values present in his formation as an individual.

In your preparation, starting from this initial knowledge, it is necessary to know the culture in which one will live because this knowledge prepares the individual to predict the results that will happen, sooner or later, when the cultural shock occurs. In other words, that moment when facing certain situations, one stops and thinks, what is the right thing to do now? Anticipating possible outcomes allows you to make fewer mistakes while at the same time paving the way for cultural adaptation to take place.

And in this context, when different cultures meet, communication is fundamental because it is through communication that you will establish new relationships, whether professional or personal, at work, school, restaurant, etc. It is no exaggeration to say that communication works as a business card in specific contexts.

There are significant differences when it comes to communication between different cultures. In some instances, the same word has different concepts; in less formal countries, people may call each other by their first names. In more formal countries, people may be called by their last names.

These differences may seem trivial, but they can bring problems and even embarrass real-life situations. Therefore, being prepared to live abroad means knowing how is the culture in which you will be, in other words, how this culture speaks, behaves, its predominant values, etc.

Embrace Cross-cultural Solutions is a company dedicated to cross-cultural solutions designed to meet the needs of each individual through customized programs.

Do you want to know more? Contact us.

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