01April, 2022

Have you ever thought about studying abroad?

If you have a dream of studying abroad, many important things must be taken so that your trip is productive and full of good memories to share. It’s never too late to make that dream come true.

In this video we will give you some tips on how to make that dream come true and we will make you fall in love with the story of three woman at different stages in their lives.

In Lara’s case we will give a few tips on the process for applying to Universities in the United States of America and mention the importance of the ESL (English as a second language).

In Pietra’s case we will find out how is the process for applying for a scholarship, what is the relationship between sports and the University, and which details make a difference in planning to avoid extra costs.

In Lucy’s case we will understand her desire to study in the United States of America, even with a career already consolidated in Brazil.

Are you curious to deep understand how is this process? How can Embrace help you to have success in your plans?

So come watch our live with valuable tips for your successful trip.

Watch the video!

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