12May, 2022

Expatriation planning tips.

Expatriation planning tips.

• What does an expatriation mean?

It means living temporarily in a foreign country. Expatriating is the act of transferring an executive or employee, their family, and children to another subsidiary of the company located in a different country and culture.

Expatriation is a process that requires structuring, as it involves procedures, strategies, and people. It understands processes such as employee recruitment, training, family preparation, documents for all involved, family accommodation, and cultural adaptation.

A well-conducted expatriation process begins in the country of origin. The relocation professional must conduct interviews with the expatriate and their family to better understand their expectations and needs, providing, based on these premises, the most appropriate solutions in the country of destination.

• Immediate actions when arriving in the destination country:

- Search by School District (If Public School).

- Choice of House.

- Open a Bank Account.

- Provide the Social Security Number.

- Get your driver’s license.

- Take a language course.

• Important tips after your arrival:

- Understand how your health plan works.

- Search for summer camps when your kids are out of school (especially if the expatriate and co-expatriate are working).

- If your child is an athlete, look for a sport of your choice at school.

- Read school emails every day so you don’t miss important dates and events.

- When buying or financing a car, pay attention to the weather conditions of the place to define the most appropriate vehicle for you or your family.

- Understand the rules that apply to the local culture.

- Involve your family in every possible step of the process.

• Tips for an expat:

- Show interest and dedication.

- Keep in touch with people from other countries.

- Let them know that you can adapt to the culture.

- Get recognized in your workplace.

- Go after the opportunity.

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