18November, 2022

Etiquette rules for living abroad.

Etiquette rules for living abroad.

When we live in our home country, we follow social rules that are passed down from generation to generation and are determined by our culture. In this way, this guide to good manners points out to us what is polite or rude, what is appropriate or inappropriate. But what happens when we live abroad? So to help you avoid embarrassing situations, we will give you tips on what you should not do.

Behaviors you must avoid:

• Avoid using gestures that may seem rude or give rise to ambiguous interpretations. Be careful because what may be a good gesture in one culture may be considered aggressive or rude in another;

• Avoid discussing politics and religion or asking personal questions;

• Avoid bringing up topics that may be sensitive for people to discuss;

• Always moderately use your tone of voice, as being too assertive can be understood as aggressive;

• Avoid misbehaving in different environments. Common sense should always prevail;

• Do not talk by touching people and be discreet.

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