08April, 2022

Essential tips for your exchange abroad.

Essential tips for your exchange abroad.

• What is a exchange?

It means spending a period outside your country of origin or residence, getting to know another place for professional, academic or personal purposes. For this purpose, different types of exchange are offered according to the moment of each one’s life and the available resources.

The first step in planning an exchange is figuring out which programs and destinations will meet the student’s expectations and goals. Then come the proficiency exams, course choices, the possibility of a scholarship, documents required for applying to the course and get the visa.

Making an exchange is quite a challenge to be faced by those who choose to live this experience.

Therefore, it is important that anyone planning this international trip is aware of adverse situations that may occur, in addition to being informed about how to manage money during the trip abroad.

• Types of exchange:

- High School;

- College Education;

- Doctorate;

- Sandwich Year;

- Master degree;

- Continued Education.

• After make a decision on your exchange type:

- Go to an exchange agency in your city;

- Make a decision for how long your exchange will be (6 months, 1 year);

- In the beginning or at the end of semester;

- If you are an athlete, do your search to study in the place that offers the sport you like the most;

- Make a decision by public or private school;

- Choose whether you are going to live with a host family or in school accommodation;

- Do a good research about the country you are going to live in;

- Align your expectations and ask yourself about what do you want to find there.

• Important tips:

- Do your planning in advance;

- Don’t be afraid to stay in unconventional accommodation;

- Try to learn about the culture on your new country;

- Avoid hang out only with Brazilians. Make new friends!

- Remember to always carry your documents with you;

- Grab your medicine kit;

- Make a financial plan very carefully;

- Enjoy every second of your exchange with intensity!

Want to know more?

Contact us, and we will be happy to talk with you.

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