09August, 2022

Dual nacionality in Brazil.

Dual nacionality in Brazil.

More and more, we hear in all corners of the world of people who have dual nationality; however, it is essential to know what situations in which it is possible to make an application for new citizenship.

In this text, we will talk in a very simplified way about the possibilities for Brazilian citizens to acquire another citizenship. In this context, if the person has foreign ancestors, that is, parents, grandparents, etc., or even if the Brazilian marries a foreigner, they can request dual citizenship. However, there is still another possibility, which is when the Brazilian citizen resides in another country and, by fulfilling the country's legal requirements, can also request citizenship in the country of residence.

Dual citizenships open various possibilities for Brazilian individuals who can request them. Still, this situation may lead to a reduction in consular protection by the Brazilian State because these people will also be subject to the other country's laws. Thus, those who wish to acquire another citizenship must seek detailed information on the country's laws in which they want to become a citizen and the legal limitations that this dual nationality implies.

It is important to emphasize that the Brazilian national must be careful when choosing to adopt another nationality since this request must comply with the legal determinations outlined in the Brazilian Federal Constitution to avoid losing the Brazilian nationality.

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