31August, 2022

Do you live abroad? What to do when you miss home?

Do you live abroad? What to do when you miss home?

In the increasingly globalized world, it is common for people to move between different countries for pleasure or settle down. It is increasingly common for us to come across people who have given up or are about to give up on living abroad because they can't stand the longing for their loved ones or the life left behind when they decided to move.

Depending on the culture of origin, how a person deals with homesickness can determine the success or failure of the international experience.

In situations like this, how can you prepare yourself to face this and many other difficulties that will appear along the way? Yes, it is possible to prepare yourself to meet these challenges. Professional help is an elementary differential for the success of your international experience, especially if you are moving with your family.

Living in a different culture is challenging, and if you don't understand how the culture works in the country you are moving to, it can make the adjustment process very difficult. For life abroad to be successful, everyone needs to be well.

Being prepared is even more crucial if you are moving with school-age children. Besides learning to establish new social relationships with people who speak another language with different habits and manners in a school with a different teaching system, the children also need to deal with homesickness. In other words, many things are happening at the same time. And the parents in this process are also dealing with their difficulties, with the practical day-to-day things, such as where they are going to live, whether they will buy or rent a house, how the school registration system works, how the local health system works, what the rules of the place are, etc. Besides, of course, being concerned about the welfare of their children.

The Embrace Cross-cultural Solutions aims to be part of your journey, helping you to walk safely with firm steps towards success.

The Embrace develops programs for each client's needs, so it is a customized program to meet what you need. In other words, not everyone who moves to another country has common needs, so mentoring programs should not be standardized. Contact us to learn more about our programs.

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