11October, 2022

Culture and Communication. Does moving abroad lead to a change in behavior?

Culture and Communication. Does moving abroad lead to a change in behavior?

Every country has its culture, way of communicating, eating, relating, etc. If you live abroad or plan to live outside your country, you must try to understand the culture that governs life in that country. Not knowing a new culture can cause relationship problems both in the social and work environments because communicating well is a decisive factor in adapting abroad.

The culture determines the behavior adopted by the local society and foreigners who want to live in that society. Ignoring these cultural aspects can cause you to be misunderstood, causing discomfort, anxiety, and much confusion. It is common to see foreigners neglecting cultural diversity. Because of this, it is also not uncommon for them to return to their home country frustrated, feeling rejected, and unhappy for not adapting to the new country.

We must be careful with the stereotypes that usually fill our minds, which is often due to ignorance of the cultural meanings attributed to different societies. Stereotypes also lead to misunderstandings and frustrated expectations. What you think is correct in your country may not apply to another. In the same way, there may be an incompatibility with the form of speaking, with concepts, values, clothing, behavior, etc., so be careful.

You must learn to deconstruct and reconstruct yourself constantly in a continuous learning movement. If you intend to have a successful experience abroad, know that this flow of deconstruction and reconstruction will open your worldview. An open mind helps you elaborate new strategies so that the communication and behavior expected by that society in which you are inserted will take place effectively in different cultural groups.

Remember, you don't have to stop being who you are to live well in a culture different from yours.

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