02December, 2022

Are you ready to go home?

Are you ready to go home?

In some situations, the person who has changed country needs to go back to their home country, and, two things can occur, they can go back to the city from which they left or return to the country but go to live in a different town. In both cases, emotional preparation is necessary.

If you go back to the city you left, you can imagine that you will continue your life where you left off when you left, but this is a mistake because the dynamics of life cause things, time, and situations to change, not to mention that you are no longer the same person who left years ago. Having knowledge and self-control at the moment of starting over is essential to move on with life without significant setbacks.

However, the person may return to her country of origin but will live in a different city or state from the one she left. In this case, the adaptation will happen differently from the person who returns to the same town because, in this environment, everything will be new, the city, the residence, the relationships, the work environment, etc.

Preparing in both cases is a significant difference for a successful adaptation process when returning home, and Embrace also accompanies its clients at the moment of return.

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