17August, 2022

Are you prepared to do business with companies from other countries?

Are you prepared to do business with companies from other countries?

Are you prepared to face the job market in a globalized world? We usually prepare to negotiate with global companies following the logic determined by our culture of origin. This logic will not always be the most appropriate when dealing with cultures different from ours.

To begin our reflection, we first need to know if you are aware of the cultural aspects present in your business thinking. What are the cultural elements that determine your behavior in the workplace?

Having answered these first two questions, you will need to ask yourself if you are aware of the culture of the country where you intend to do business. In other words, does the company you are negotiating with have an individualistic culture or not? Does this country have a more formal or informal negotiating culture? Are the professionals in this country passionate or not when it comes to closing deals? Do they communicate directly to the point, or do they use subliminal language?

Working in a different country requires much more than language fluency and the willingness to make things work. It requires cultural fluency for the professional journey to be successful. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to find competent professionals who give up working abroad because they cannot understand the culture of the country where they work, a culture that determines behavior, ways of thinking, values, and course, the business culture.

Given this global context, good professionals must deepen their knowledge in the cultural subject because sooner or later, they will find themselves in situations in the job market where the decisive factor for success will be the understanding of the universe of those with whom they do business. And in cases like these, cultural fluency is worth gold.

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