24July, 2022

Anyone can live abroad, isn’t it?

Anyone can live abroad, isn’t it?

In a brief search on the Internet about testimonials from people who live or have lived abroad, it is easy to see that some have changed countries and have done well, but many others have tried but have not managed to stay overseas. But after all, why does this happen? Why do some people do so well in their new life and others cannot adapt and give up living this experience?

Each human being is unique, and each person is the product of their history, lived experiences, genetics, personality traits, etc. Thus, it is impossible to generalize, especially when we are talking about adapting people to a different country, with distinct cultures that are sometimes totally different from the culture of origin of the person who moves.

Thus, as each human being is unique, the adaptation process of people abroad occurs in a specific way, depending on the peculiarities of each one.

A good start for a successful experience abroad is to prepare for the challenges in the life of everyone who leaves their country to live in a different country! As on every road, we will come across fields of flowers, but we will find in the most beautiful rose bushes the sharpest thorns, so how do prepare yourself to enjoy the beauty and the smell of the roses without getting hurt so badly by their thorns?

Knowing what the country you intend to live in is like, learning its language, understanding its culture and the way people live, what they do, what the potentialities of the place are, and so on, is a good start.

Embrace Cross-cultural Solutions is a company devoted to helping foreigners who wish to have a successful experience abroad. If you want to know more, please get in touch with us.

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