09September, 2022

How intercultural mentoring or training can help you prepare to live in another country.

How intercultural mentoring or training can help you prepare to live in another country.

Many people do not give importance to the cultural aspects of the country they are moving to, putting as relevant points only the favorable factors. They forget, therefore, that life is not all parties and good things. Practical things and everyday difficulties can be overcome without significant problems if you are prepared.

12August, 2022

What do you need know about the Convention of the Hague Apostille?

What do you need know about the Convention of the Hague Apostille?

The Hague Apostille Convention is a treaty that has 112 signatory countries. Its purpose is to simplify the legalization process for documents issued and mutually recognized in these countries. So, if you are thinking about working, studying, or simply living abroad, this information can help.

29July, 2022

The importance of Cultural Training for living abroad.

The importance of Cultural Training for living abroad.

Many people think about living abroad and that all they need to do is pack their bags and that's it! It's like everything else will happen like magic. Unfortunately, this is not how it happens. Understand the importance of the cultural adaptation process for a successful international experience.

22July, 2022

How to choose the best university for you in the United States.

How to choose the best university for you in the United States.

If you are considering studying in the United States, these tips will help you know where to start in choosing the best university.

19July, 2022

How to obtain the Residence Visa for professors and researchers in Brazil?

How to obtain the Residence Visa for professors and researchers in Brazil?

If you are a professor or researcher in your country and plan to come to Brazil with a Residence Visa, here's what you need to know.


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