23November, 2022

Your company is prepared for the process of Expatriation of your collaborators?

Your company is prepared for the process of Expatriation of your collaborators?

In an increasingly globalized world, it is imperative for organizations that want to enter this world market to invest in cultural training for their employees, whether in the local or international market.

14November, 2022

How to be a good communicator in a different culture?

How to be a good communicator in a different culture?

We communicate all the time, whether through body language, verbal, written, etc. But all this can change when people from different cultures evaluate our communication.

07November, 2022

Tips for multicultural teams.

Tips for multicultural teams.

A multicultural work environment brings together employees from different cultures. Multiculturalism improves business results and aids in the creation of innovative solutions and the decision-making process. What and how to work with multicultural teams and avoid confusion and misunderstandings?

02November, 2022

Precious tips for those who are or intend to live abroad.

Precious tips for those who are or intend to live abroad.

Many people think that moving to another country is an easy task, but it is not. After passing the enchantment phase, where everything is new, and the first difficulties begin to appear, what seems to be a paradise can become an absolute hell. Get to know some important tips to overcome the main difficulties of those who live abroad.

26October, 2022

It's time for your crossing: live abroad.

It's time for your crossing: live abroad.

Moments of change are a crossing in many ways. It is a crossing from where we leave one region to another, but it is also a crossing of emotional state, a crossing of ourselves.


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