29July, 2022

The importance of Cultural Training for living abroad.

The importance of Cultural Training for living abroad.

Many people think about living abroad and that all they need to do is pack their bags and that's it! It's like everything else will happen like magic. Unfortunately, this is not how it happens. Understand the importance of the cultural adaptation process for a successful international experience.

24July, 2022

Anyone can live abroad, isn’t it?

Anyone can live abroad, isn’t it?

In a brief search on the Internet about testimonials from people who live or have lived abroad, it is easy to see that some have changed countries and have done well, but many others have tried but have not managed to stay overseas.

22July, 2022

How to choose the best university for you in the United States.

How to choose the best university for you in the United States.

If you are considering studying in the United States, these tips will help you know where to start in choosing the best university.

11July, 2022

Electronic Apostille. How to validate your documents for use in other countries?

Electronic Apostille. How to validate your documents for use in other countries?

Did you know that it is now possible to perform Electronic Apostille to validate Brazilian documents for use abroad?

08July, 2022

What you need to know before living abroad.

What you need to know before living abroad.

When we talk about multiculturalism, our ways and manners must be thought about and rethought, especially if you are living abroad or wish to live, because it is through them that you will be perceived in your environment.


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