08February, 2023

When teenagers more abroad.

When teenagers more abroad.

When we move countries with children, we must take care of the adaptation process to the new place, new customs, new friendships, etc. Adaptation is not a big problem when children are small, but things are different in pre-adolescence or adolescence.

03January, 2023

New Year, new plans!

New Year, new plans!

Another year has arrived, and with it, new cheer to put old plans into action or to plan new challenges, such as studying abroad or embracing an opportunity for a dream international transfer. Are you ready to face this kind of challenge?

29December, 2022

You are moving to another country, so how are you preparing?

You are moving to another country, so how are you preparing?

When someone wants to move to another country, many things must be part of the preparation. Much more than just packing your bags, it is necessary to prepare your life and spirit to face the challenges. In this phase before departure, the preparation to know the language must go far beyond grammar because this point is essential for a successful international experience.

21December, 2022

How to choose a school for your child abroad?

How to choose a school for your child abroad?

When moving countries with young children or teenagers, the children's school is at the top of most parents' concerns, so what to do not make a mistake in choosing it? If you are moving country and don't know people who live or have lived there, a good option is to search through official local government websites.

25November, 2022

All over the Americas.

All over the Americas.

I asked my daughter Lara, now 18, for permission to share a text she wrote when she was only 15. When Lara wrote this text, she experienced a deep duel of feelings as a teenager who had to move abroad with her family and deal with the challenges of cultural adaptation. Lara was one of the reasons that inspired me to create Embrace.


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