02December, 2022

Are you ready to go home?

Are you ready to go home?

Not all moves abroad are definitive, and in many situations, people move countries, and after a specific time, they need to move back home. That return home also needs to be considered because life is dynamic, and a lot happens or has happened when the person has been away.

16September, 2022

Overcome the difficulties of living abroad: expatriate executives and their families.

Overcome the difficulties of living abroad: expatriate executives and their families.

The growth of the expatriation process in large companies has its reasons. After all, in a globalized economy, companies need to meet some requirements to succeed. It is a very complex process that needs to be well planned from the beginning, so that the employee faces the challenges with the right tools.

17June, 2022

The Repatriation Experience. Employees back home.

The Repatriation Experience. Employees back home.

Companies need to have a well-defined repatriation plan, i.e., to be prepared to receive the repatriated employees with their career plan and in which position they will be allocated when they return to the country. Understand...


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Contact us and find out how we can help you in this transition