07November, 2022

Tips for multicultural teams.

Tips for multicultural teams.

A multicultural work environment brings together employees from different cultures. Multiculturalism improves business results and aids in the creation of innovative solutions and the decision-making process. What and how to work with multicultural teams and avoid confusion and misunderstandings?

11October, 2022

Culture and Communication. Does moving abroad lead to a change in behavior?

Culture and Communication. Does moving abroad lead to a change in behavior?

Knowing the country's culture in which you must communicate is crucial to the success of an international experience, whether it be to establish social or professional contacts.

05October, 2022

Time, time, time...

Time, time, time...

The importance of time is something that often goes unnoticed in our lives, and we do not realize how important it is to respect it since time management impacts our organization. Something that seems so simple can have a decisive impact on the process of cultural adaptation.

22September, 2022

Moving abroad with your children. What do you need to know?

Moving abroad with your children. What do you need to know?

We are a mix, and biological, psychological, and socio-cultural factors form our identity. In this context, it is crucial to know the importance of culture in developing our identity and who we are, especially when living abroad with our children.

16September, 2022

Overcome the difficulties of living abroad: expatriate executives and their families.

Overcome the difficulties of living abroad: expatriate executives and their families.

The growth of the expatriation process in large companies has its reasons. After all, in a globalized economy, companies need to meet some requirements to succeed. It is a very complex process that needs to be well planned from the beginning, so that the employee faces the challenges with the right tools.


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