17February, 2023

Essential tips for work in USA.

Essential tips for work in USA.

Even though people have been living in the United States for a while, many find it difficult to enter the American job market. In this text, you will find some essential tips that can help you overcome this challenge.

08February, 2023

When teenagers more abroad.

When teenagers more abroad.

When we move countries with children, we must take care of the adaptation process to the new place, new customs, new friendships, etc. Adaptation is not a big problem when children are small, but things are different in pre-adolescence or adolescence.

05January, 2023

When a man accompanies a woman on an international move.

When a man accompanies a woman on an international move.

Generally, when we talk about an international move, in most cases, it is the woman who accompanies her husband or boyfriend. However, many men also accompany their wives or girlfriends when they have the opportunity to work or study abroad.

29December, 2022

You are moving to another country, so how are you preparing?

You are moving to another country, so how are you preparing?

When someone wants to move to another country, many things must be part of the preparation. Much more than just packing your bags, it is necessary to prepare your life and spirit to face the challenges. In this phase before departure, the preparation to know the language must go far beyond grammar because this point is essential for a successful international experience.

23November, 2022

Your company is prepared for the process of Expatriation of your collaborators?

Your company is prepared for the process of Expatriation of your collaborators?

In an increasingly globalized world, it is imperative for organizations that want to enter this world market to invest in cultural training for their employees, whether in the local or international market.


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