16March, 2022

How important is living abroad and having friends while adapting to a new culture.

How important is living abroad and having friends while adapting to a new culture.

When you have an opportunity to live in another country is extremely important to talk to your family beforehand and create a plan together. The more you know about the new place the less chances you’ll have to feel lost and desperate.

02October, 2020

Intercultural Experience Project - Episode 4.

Intercultural Experience Project - Episode 4.

Carla has a long career as an executive working in the Oil & Gas market and had the opportunity to move to the United States with her family. Know your history.

21September, 2020

Intercultural Experience Project - Episode 3.

Intercultural Experience Project - Episode 3.

In this episode we had the pleasure to chat with Viviana Fernandez-Aballi. Viviana is Ecuadorian, mother of three and has had the opportunity to live in different countries.

12September, 2020

Intercultural Experience Project - Episode 2.

Intercultural Experience Project - Episode 2.

What makes someone leave behind a professional and financial structure and restart from zero? Get to know Leila's life story and see how a well-organized planning is essential for a successful transition.

04September, 2020

Intercultural Experience Project - Episode 1.

Intercultural Experience Project - Episode 1.

When you are facing cultural challenges, you’ll have two options: Sink or Swim.


Are you willing learn more?
Contact us and find out how we can help you in this transition