26January, 2023

Is multicultural competence essential to living abroad?

Is multicultural competence essential to living abroad?

Why is it crucial to study culture if you are moving or intend to move abroad? This critical question often goes unnoticed by most people who want to live or work abroad.

14November, 2022

How to be a good communicator in a different culture?

How to be a good communicator in a different culture?

We communicate all the time, whether through body language, verbal, written, etc. But all this can change when people from different cultures evaluate our communication.

10November, 2022

To live abroad, you need to see new perspectives.

To live abroad, you need to see new perspectives.

Living abroad is a challenge that requires the traveler to change his lenses and broaden his worldview, enabling him to see the world from different perspectives. And in this sense, freeing oneself from specific ties and certain beliefs will be essential to the success of this experience.

26October, 2022

It's time for your crossing: live abroad.

It's time for your crossing: live abroad.

Moments of change are a crossing in many ways. It is a crossing from where we leave one region to another, but it is also a crossing of emotional state, a crossing of ourselves.

09September, 2022

How intercultural mentoring or training can help you prepare to live in another country.

How intercultural mentoring or training can help you prepare to live in another country.

Many people do not give importance to the cultural aspects of the country they are moving to, putting as relevant points only the favorable factors. They forget, therefore, that life is not all parties and good things. Practical things and everyday difficulties can be overcome without significant problems if you are prepared.


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