30November, 2022

Soccer and culture.

Soccer and culture.

In times of the World Cup, let's talk a little about this sport. The world stops to cheer for its country or favorite team every four years. Can we affirm that soccer brings itself cultural elements?

23November, 2022

Your company is prepared for the process of Expatriation of your collaborators?

Your company is prepared for the process of Expatriation of your collaborators?

In an increasingly globalized world, it is imperative for organizations that want to enter this world market to invest in cultural training for their employees, whether in the local or international market.

24July, 2022

Anyone can live abroad, isn’t it?

Anyone can live abroad, isn’t it?

In a brief search on the Internet about testimonials from people who live or have lived abroad, it is easy to see that some have changed countries and have done well, but many others have tried but have not managed to stay overseas.

17June, 2022

The Repatriation Experience. Employees back home.

The Repatriation Experience. Employees back home.

Companies need to have a well-defined repatriation plan, i.e., to be prepared to receive the repatriated employees with their career plan and in which position they will be allocated when they return to the country. Understand...

12May, 2022

Expatriation planning tips.

Expatriation planning tips.

Do you dream of working abroad? Will your company transfer you and your family to a unit located in another country? Here are some essential tips for enjoying the best of your international experience.


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