05January, 2023

When a man accompanies a woman on an international move.

When a man accompanies a woman on an international move.

Generally, when we talk about an international move, in most cases, it is the woman who accompanies her husband or boyfriend. However, many men also accompany their wives or girlfriends when they have the opportunity to work or study abroad.

02December, 2022

Are you ready to go home?

Are you ready to go home?

Not all moves abroad are definitive, and in many situations, people move countries, and after a specific time, they need to move back home. That return home also needs to be considered because life is dynamic, and a lot happens or has happened when the person has been away.

07November, 2022

Tips for multicultural teams.

Tips for multicultural teams.

A multicultural work environment brings together employees from different cultures. Multiculturalism improves business results and aids in the creation of innovative solutions and the decision-making process. What and how to work with multicultural teams and avoid confusion and misunderstandings?

19October, 2022

Yea! Your children can become citizens of the world.

Yea! Your children can become citizens of the world.

We are all made of a real cultural mix. Since birth, we are exposed to cultural differences all the time, be it in our family, when we go to school, at work, or in other social relationships.

05October, 2022

Time, time, time...

Time, time, time...

The importance of time is something that often goes unnoticed in our lives, and we do not realize how important it is to respect it since time management impacts our organization. Something that seems so simple can have a decisive impact on the process of cultural adaptation.


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