26October, 2022

It's time for your crossing: live abroad.

It's time for your crossing: live abroad.

Moments of change are a crossing in many ways. It is a crossing from where we leave one region to another, but it is also a crossing of emotional state, a crossing of ourselves.

19October, 2022

Yea! Your children can become citizens of the world.

Yea! Your children can become citizens of the world.

We are all made of a real cultural mix. Since birth, we are exposed to cultural differences all the time, be it in our family, when we go to school, at work, or in other social relationships.

22September, 2022

Moving abroad with your children. What do you need to know?

Moving abroad with your children. What do you need to know?

We are a mix, and biological, psychological, and socio-cultural factors form our identity. In this context, it is crucial to know the importance of culture in developing our identity and who we are, especially when living abroad with our children.

16September, 2022

Overcome the difficulties of living abroad: expatriate executives and their families.

Overcome the difficulties of living abroad: expatriate executives and their families.

The growth of the expatriation process in large companies has its reasons. After all, in a globalized economy, companies need to meet some requirements to succeed. It is a very complex process that needs to be well planned from the beginning, so that the employee faces the challenges with the right tools.

15September, 2022

And how is the education of our children when we go live abroad?

And how is the education of our children when we go live abroad?

When someone decides to move to another country as a family, and when that family has children, one of the factors that are considered when making a decision is the benefit that these children will have living in the chosen country. However, many of these parents don't even realize how important culture is in the education of their children.


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