21September, 2020

Intercultural Experience Project - Episode 3.

Intercultural Experience Project - Episode 3.

In this episode we had the pleasure to chat with Viviana Fernandez-Aballi. Viviana is Ecuadorian, mother of three and has had the opportunity to live in different countries.

12September, 2020

Intercultural Experience Project - Episode 2.

Intercultural Experience Project - Episode 2.

What makes someone leave behind a professional and financial structure and restart from zero? Get to know Leila's life story and see how a well-organized planning is essential for a successful transition.

04September, 2020

Intercultural Experience Project - Episode 1.

Intercultural Experience Project - Episode 1.

When you are facing cultural challenges, you’ll have two options: Sink or Swim.

05August, 2020

Intercultural Mentoring Program.

Intercultural Mentoring Program.

When we hear about mentoring, we immediately think of professionals, where the mentor (the one with more experience) guides the mentee in their professional development process.

23July, 2020

Welcoming through cultures.

Welcoming through cultures.

The world has become increasingly integrated. Living abroad is a dream of many people, an experience that poses multiple challenges. How can we cope with that?


Are you willing learn more?
Contact us and find out how we can help you in this transition