29March, 2022

Living in another country. What about homesickness?

Living in another country. What about homesickness?

How about homesickness when we decide to live outside our country? It is an important issue that we disregard when we embark on this adventure of living abroad.

16March, 2022

How important is living abroad and having friends while adapting to a new culture.

How important is living abroad and having friends while adapting to a new culture.

When you have an opportunity to live in another country is extremely important to talk to your family beforehand and create a plan together. The more you know about the new place the less chances you’ll have to feel lost and desperate.

02October, 2020

Intercultural Experience Project - Episode 4.

Intercultural Experience Project - Episode 4.

Carla has a long career as an executive working in the Oil & Gas market and had the opportunity to move to the United States with her family. Know your history.

05August, 2020

Intercultural Mentoring Program.

Intercultural Mentoring Program.

When we hear about mentoring, we immediately think of professionals, where the mentor (the one with more experience) guides the mentee in their professional development process.

01August, 2020

Life abroad and the adaptation curve.

Life abroad and the adaptation curve.

We all know that living abroad is not an easy task, and like everything in life, it is made up of moments of ups and downs. When we dive into the opportunity to live in a different country, we come face to face with the cultural clash between our culture of origin and the culture in which we begin to be inserted in.


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