03January, 2023

New Year, new plans!

New Year, new plans!

Another year has arrived, and with it, new cheer to put old plans into action or to plan new challenges, such as studying abroad or embracing an opportunity for a dream international transfer. Are you ready to face this kind of challenge?

29December, 2022

You are moving to another country, so how are you preparing?

You are moving to another country, so how are you preparing?

When someone wants to move to another country, many things must be part of the preparation. Much more than just packing your bags, it is necessary to prepare your life and spirit to face the challenges. In this phase before departure, the preparation to know the language must go far beyond grammar because this point is essential for a successful international experience.

02November, 2022

Precious tips for those who are or intend to live abroad.

Precious tips for those who are or intend to live abroad.

Many people think that moving to another country is an easy task, but it is not. After passing the enchantment phase, where everything is new, and the first difficulties begin to appear, what seems to be a paradise can become an absolute hell. Get to know some important tips to overcome the main difficulties of those who live abroad.

26October, 2022

It's time for your crossing: live abroad.

It's time for your crossing: live abroad.

Moments of change are a crossing in many ways. It is a crossing from where we leave one region to another, but it is also a crossing of emotional state, a crossing of ourselves.

05October, 2022

Time, time, time...

Time, time, time...

The importance of time is something that often goes unnoticed in our lives, and we do not realize how important it is to respect it since time management impacts our organization. Something that seems so simple can have a decisive impact on the process of cultural adaptation.


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