09September, 2022

How intercultural mentoring or training can help you prepare to live in another country.

How intercultural mentoring or training can help you prepare to live in another country.

Many people do not give importance to the cultural aspects of the country they are moving to, putting as relevant points only the favorable factors. They forget, therefore, that life is not all parties and good things. Practical things and everyday difficulties can be overcome without significant problems if you are prepared.

31August, 2022

Do you live abroad? What to do when you miss home?

Do you live abroad? What to do when you miss home?

It is widespread in cultures like the Brazilian one, which is highly attached to family and friends, for intense homesickness to manifest itself when someone decides to change countries. It is not uncommon for people to give up living abroad because they don't know how to deal with homesickness and missing their friends.

24August, 2022

Benefits of Embrace's Mentoring.

Benefits of Embrace's Mentoring.

The Embrace Cross-cultural Solutions develop Mentoring Programs to meet the specific needs of each person who decides to face the challenge of living abroad. Learn how Embrace mentoring can help you in your moving process, be it in the planning, the adaptation process, or any difficulty that may arise on the way.

05August, 2020

Intercultural Mentoring Program.

Intercultural Mentoring Program.

When we hear about mentoring, we immediately think of professionals, where the mentor (the one with more experience) guides the mentee in their professional development process.


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