30November, 2022

Soccer and culture.

Soccer and culture.

In times of the World Cup, let's talk a little about this sport. The world stops to cheer for its country or favorite team every four years. Can we affirm that soccer brings itself cultural elements?

11October, 2022

Culture and Communication. Does moving abroad lead to a change in behavior?

Culture and Communication. Does moving abroad lead to a change in behavior?

Knowing the country's culture in which you must communicate is crucial to the success of an international experience, whether it be to establish social or professional contacts.

29September, 2022

How do I get to know the local culture of the country I am going to live in?

How do I get to know the local culture of the country I am going to live in?

When we are born and raised in a certain culture, we feel comfortable. When we move to another country, we realize the difficulties that the new culture imposes on us.


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